Luna awoke the next day ready to go to breakfast. Looking at her timetable she saw that she had Defense Against the Dark Arts then after lunch flying lessons. Then a break before dinner, then Astronomy.
As she entered the hall for breakfast, she noticed that one extra person was sitting at the teachers’ table. She was an old looking woman with dark eyes. Her pale skin was wrinkled and a few wispy strands of grey hair poked out from a purple turban. The woman surveyed everyone with her dark eyes that glinted behind silver spectacles. She wore long lilac robes which swept the ground as she stood up.
“It has been a very long time since this Academy has opened and of course it is now under different surveillance" she said, glancing at the headmistress who smiled as her young features filled with respect.
Who is this cranky woman? Luna thought. Her question was answered immediately
“I am Emma Bonino, a senator. I was once a pupil at this academy, a Stork to be precise.” she said smiling as the storks in their silvery hats whispered excitedly among them.
“Again, I repeat it has been a long time since this Academy was open... since the night of water and fire. But even though the muggles are currently struggling with the covid-19 pandemic, we are reopening under the guidance of professor Marta Delgado del Mar” she said this, and sat down to thunderous applause. Luna glanced over at the killer whale table where Sara, the mean blond girl was frowning and not clapping at all. Morgana and Lorsore, at the bear table, were clapping but looking confused. While the black haired Simonetta at the stork table was clapping enthusiastically.
Later during the day, Luna and her classmates (Alex (wolf) Morgana and Lorsore (bear), Simonetta (stork), Sara (killer whale)) entered a dimly lit classroom. A few desks were staked aside and the red haired wolf commander was at the front. Her slight hood slightly eerie against a thin window out of which light was cutting into the room. The teacher smiled before continuing with the class.
After Defense Against the Dark Arts it was lunch, they all sped down to the village to buy some treats as the teacher had told them so. In front of the queue at the village shop the class saw a strange sight: their teacher Katerina Farakis' house was different; they could see that the windows had been broken and were shattered.
“What's that?” Morgana said gasping as she pointed to the windows. “I'm not sure but i think we should check it out.” Alex told them as they advanced.
Luna pushed open the door which creaked making them all jump. The floorboards trembled slightly under their weight as they advanced. Everywhere was a thick layer of dust but even with the dust the children saw that the entire house was a mess, chairs had been turned upside down, the curtains hung on a hinge. All of a sudden the kids heard a big SBAM, Sara hurriedly got out muttering an excuse. The kids hurried to the source of the sound there was a locked door. Luna took out her wand.
“Alohomora.” she said. Nothing happened.
“Revelio.” Simona tried. The door glowed purple.
“There is an incantation on the door” she told them, but Luna wouldn't give up. Relying all her force to her hand she cried: “Alohomora.” the door exploded.
Coughing and spluttering the kids emerged from the bedroom inside apart from the layer of dust that looked untouched.
“Guys, I think we need to go tell the teachers, you know.” Morgana told them.
“Luna and Lorsore go, Morgana, Alex and I will stay as guards.” Simona concorded raising her wand.
“Come on, hurry.'' Alex told them they were rushing towards their flying lesson. They had called the professor and she had told them that she'd handle the situation.
Today they were going to fly for real. Once they were all on their brooms they sped through forests and mountains. Until they reached a stony dip where there was a curve. They all passed, bumping a bit, but Sara had less luck and crashed head first into the rock, falling into the depths below. As the teacher went to get help the students stayed with a very moaning Sara.
After that, the bear commander came and took Sara to the hospital wing. The students returned nervously by foot through the woods as it started to get dark. The students started to get chills up their spines; this was creepy Luna thought. All of a sudden they heard footsteps in the distance. The man who could turn into a stork appeared and he smiled and motioned them to follow him.
Later they were at the top of the astronomy tower Sara had gone to get her wounds checked and returned 3 minutes later.
“How did you go so quickly?” Alex asked
“Well, the Ms Katerina Farakis returned from her house...” she panted back
“... and she's covered in blood.”
The kids hurried and went to their teacher who was lying in bed all bandaged up.
“What happened, miss.” Lorsore asked.
“You don't need to know all, what you might have noticed is that on the front of my house there was a print of the claw….”
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